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Monday, February 28, 2022

DKG Arts Gallery Blog: Artist’s Spotlight: An Open Artists’ Discussion on Creation, Technique & Opportunity

  Lisa Hall North Carolina State Organization 

1) Briefly, tell me a little bit about yourself as an educator and as a photographer?

I am a lateral entry teacher in my sixth year of secondary education.  I worked in marketing and advertising for over 15 years before making the mid-life decision to go into education.  My mom is a retired middle school teacher and DKG member herself, and seeing the impact that she made on so many children throughout her 30 years of teaching served as my inspiration.  I first taught CTE marketing education courses, as well as served as our school DECA advisor.  In 2020, I transitioned into my current position of Career Development Coordinator, working with students daily to help figure out their post high school plans.  I work one-on-one with students on career assessment tests, helping them select classes in high school and at our local community college that will put them on a future track for success in the business world.   

I fell in love with photography as a hobby when my children were small.  I wanted to capture as many moments and memories with them as possible.  I invested in my first digital SLR camera and I was hooked!  I enrolled in a beginning photography course at a local photography museum and educational center here in Charlotte, NC called The Light Factory, which was instrumental in teaching me techniques such as framing, the “rule of thirds,” and how to alter my photographic style by using different shutter speeds and aperture selections.  After that course I knew how to really use my camera and I felt much more confident in my shots.  I don’t go anywhere without a camera now.  You never know when you will see the perfect situation, or when you will capture a special moment with a loved one.  I think that I drive my children and my friends crazy sometimes when I’m on vacation and ask them to stop so that I can take so many photos.  Yet when I print those shots, or make photo albums as gifts, they are always so thankful that I took so many photos as memories!  

2) As a photographer, where do you find your inspiration?  Do you search for a particular subject, or do you just have your camera ready?  Do you use any special equipment?

My photographic inspiration is daily life.  If we all take time to look around there is always beauty around us, no matter where we are.  I’m never without a camera, even if it’s just my iPhone camera.  I do have a couple different body styles of Nikon digital SLR cameras, along with different lenses, which I take to special events or if I know that I’m going on vacation where I don’t mind carrying my equipment with me.  I also have a portable tripod that I use as well.  However, camera lenses are very fragile and very expensive, and after having two of my lenses break while on location, I have learned to not bring that equipment everywhere I go.  I upgraded my phone to the iPhone 12 pro last year, specifically because that model now allows for more light to come in for photography, and because the overall photo quality is very similar to my full size SLR camera now.  It’s amazing how far cameras on phones have come!  In fact, both photos that I entered for this contest were taken on my iPhone, mainly because I didn’t want to risk dropping my large camera while hiking out west this past summer.  I do take a lot of photos of nature, but I also take quirky photos of things that many people might not even think are worth photographing.  In fact, sometimes those are my favorite shots!  I also take photos of those that I love.  Nothing warms my heart more than looking back on photos of trips I have taken or special events with loved ones.  The trick to photography lies in the eye of the beholder.  It’s gives you a chance to make your own creative personal expression, which is what I love most about the hobby. 

3) When you start framing your subject, is there a process that goes through your mind? As an example, your photograph, Antelope Canyon is photographed from low to high and focuses on color as well as form. 

Going to Antelope Canyon, which is located in upper Arizona, near the Utah border, had been a lifelong bucket list trip for me, mainly because of the beauty I had seen in photographs of this amazing natural wonder.  I had read that there was no way to really take a “bad” photo in the canyon, because the lighting and natural curves of the canyon had been so perfectly created and etched.  Having been there personally, I can say that is true.  My photo, “Antelope Canyon” was the very first photo that I took when I first arrived.  I had just stepped foot inside the canyon and turned to look outside.  The view I saw, with the red rocks of the canyon juxtaposed with the crisp blue sky truly took my breath away and I had to capture the moment.  I knew about the technique of framing from my photography courses, so it was just instinct to snap that photo.  It took two seconds of my life to capture that moment, and this photo will probably be one of my lifetime favorites.  Just looking at it brings back so many memories of that trip that I took with my children.  My son, who is in college, says that seeing Antelope Canyon in person is the best thing that he has ever done. 

4) Your other entry, The Rose, shows another photo of the Upper Antelope Canyon in Utah photographed in black & white. The form of a rose being visible in the positive shape.  Was there a particular reason for you choosing greyscale over color? 

I have always loved black and white photography.  It’s timeless to me.  Many of the photos of my children in my house are in greyscale because of that trait.  For this particular photo, I originally took “The Rose” in color as we were touring through the canyon.  However, when I came home from my trip and was editing the photo I found that the characteristics of the rose and its petals (as seen in the rock formation) were much more prevalent in black and white than in color.  I had to enter this into the contest because of the symbolic meaning that a rose has to Delta Kappa Gamma!   

5) Do you have any tips for others looking to take still photos?

My advice is that there are really no bad photos.  Photography is a personal expression of the beauty that an individual sees in the world.  Just get out there and start snapping!  If you don’t capture a moment in time it will be gone forever.  As someone once said, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  If you do start to get hooked, I would encourage taking beginner photography classes to learn more about certain photography techniques and to get you more familiar with all the tools that your camera can offer.  It’s an addictive hobby that truly requires no real natural talent.    

6) Have you entered your work in other competitions?

Entering the DKG Arts Galley was the first time I had ever submitted any of my photos for judging.  I probably wouldn’t have even thought about doing this if a couple of my fellow DKG-Kappa Chapter members hadn’t encouraged me.  However, around the same time I submitted these photos I did submit a photo that I had taken of my neighbor’s daughter, who helped me rake leaves in the fall, into a photo contest that was sponsored by the NC Power Cooperative Association.  My photograph was selected as one of only 20 photos selected (out of hundreds of entries) that was published in the January 2022 edition of their monthly magazine, “Carolina Country.”  I was deeply honored to have my photo selected, and I was equally excited to tell the little girl in this photograph that she was “famous” now! J  Having my photo published in two online and print forums in the span of a couple months has definitely inspired me to enter more photo contests in the future.  And I am already deciding which photos I want to submit for the next DKG Arts Gallery! 




Friday, February 25, 2022

Module 4: Copyright - a Complicated Issue


Copyright is a topic that all educators must keep abreast of in this changing world of communication. DKG members, active or retired, are invited to attend the C&M Module on March 5th, 2022 (11:00 CST) when panelists will provide an intercultural perspective on the process and practices of copyright issues. Panelists include: Dr. MaryAnne Allan (AK, US), Dr. Judith Merz (NV, US), Dr. Ann-Katrin Sward (Sweden), Dr. Yvonne Vizina (Canada), Eygló Björnsdóttir (Iceland), Bjarndís Fjóla Jónsdóttir (Iceland), and panelist, Eija Liisa Sokka-Meaney (Finland) will be the moderator. Visit C&M Module #4 for the direct link to the event.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Spotlight on the Member Art Gallery - DKG International Convention 2022

Calling all DKG creative artists to New Orleans, or affectionately known as The Big Easy! The Arts and Humanities Jury is excited to announce the addition of a Member Art Gallery at the DKG 2022 International Convention in New Orleans, July 12-16, 2022. We will host a Member Art Gallery to showcase our members’ talents in the visual and literary arts, photography and musical composition. This multi-faceted art exhibit will take place during the convention and be open for viewing on Friday and Saturday, respectively, for attendees’ enjoyment. We look forward to many of our members being “in that number” as we go marching, traveling, and sharing our talents for this exciting opportunity.

The application process is an easy format and follows the Art Gallery submission categories and format. Here are details to consider as you prepare to share your art with the gallery.

Application Process: One DKG member may submit one work of art. Work submitted must be original (not from kits), one-of-a-kind, and creative. All media, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional, will be considered. Creative writing can be displayed on two panels displayed side by side. This includes but is not limited to painting, drawing, jewelry, ceramics, sculpture, photography, quilting, embroidery, needlepoint, stained glass, or mosaic. Artists must upload an image of their entry to be reviewed by the Arts and Humanities Jury. Entry selection will reflect the most originality, quality, and space limitations of the venue. Note: Submissions will not be accepted that violate the Society's position on inclusivity (religion, race, sexual orientation/gender, etc.) Applications must be submitted by 11:00 p.m. on June 4, 2022. All applicants must be current Delta Kappa Gamma members. Members must apply via Application for the Member Art Gallery.

Selection Process: Submissions will be reviewed to ensure the quality and professionalism of the exhibited work. Notice of acceptance, along with the details of the exhibit, will be emailed to the applicants after the selection process on June 10, 2022. Each artist will have a 3 by 3-foot area. If art is larger in size, it will be considered for inclusion based on space. For example, larger items like quilts could be folded or draped to allow viewing while also saving space.

Member Art Gallery Details: All participants will receive a card thanking them for their participation along with their entry displayed next to their art during the conference. We are excited to have some of our artists choosing to sell their art during the convention. This would be a private sale via a personal check or other arranged payment made directly to the artist from the buyer. Members can also indicate if a portion of the proceeds of a sale will be donated to the DKG International Educators Foundation. This is an exciting opportunity to not only purchase art from our talented, international sisterhood but to contribute to this worthy cause.

Let’s keep the conversation going. If you have ideas or comments for the Arts and Humanities Jury, please let us know. For more information about the International Convention Member Art Gallery, Contact Information: Roxanne Lagarde –

Friday, February 18, 2022

State Organizations Welcome ISF Speakers in 2022!

December 17, 2021

ISF Speaker


State Organization




Dr. Karen Duke, Texas, USA



February 2022


Developing More Effective Personal and Professional Leadership

Claudia Estrada, Guatemala

Costa Rica

May 2022

Face to face

Digital Competencies: developing digital competence with your students

Cecilia Garcia, Guatemala



September 30 -October 1, 2022


Inclusive Education: as a tool to provide educational quality

Gail Goolsby, Kansas, USA


April 2, 2022


Lessons Learned Leading at the International School of Kabul

Dr. Beverly Hall, Tennessee, USA

New Brunswick, Canada

February 7, 2022


The Power of Unity – The Power of One

Laura Montalvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico



June 21-22, 2022

Face to face

Building Your Personal Branding: Value Creation and Strategy Development

Gail Goolsby, Kansas, USA


May 7, 2022


Lessons Learned Leading at the International School of Kabul

Eija Liisa Sokka-Meaney, Finland



April 29 - May1, 2022


Finnish Education: what are the strengths and challenges in general education, music, and wellbeing

Dr. KaijaTeikari, Finland



May 14, 2022

Face to face or virtual

A Good School: how do students define a good school? Why do some teachers/principals want to work in a school like that? Other staff members – are their voices heard?

ISF Speakers selected May 2021





Margaret Dunn-Snow, Florida, USA


April 9, 2022


How Do Women Become Leaders: real queens fix each other’s crowns

Beverley Johns, Illinois, USA

British Columbia, Canada

April 2022

Face to face or virtual

Working with Children with Mental Health Needs: including children with anxiety


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Steps to Membership - IMC Blog

Article III, Section C.1. Says that “A candidate for active or collegiate membership shall be selected by the method established by the chapter’s rules.” We are still an invitation only organization, so prospective members still must be invited and accepted as members by the chapter. Note that if a member wishes to be reinstated, there is no vote necessary but to accept a new member, a vote is needed by the chapter.

The following is information paraphrased from the website. It is found under Resources and the Membership Plan and is just one way that a chapter may seek new members. It is not a part of the DKG Constitution or Standing Rules and is not an official mandate. You will find several paper documents provided if your chapter chooses to use any of them. They are not required forms. If another method of inviting members is listed in your chapter’s governing documents that you find successful, you may continue to use that.

Step 1: This plan emphasizes the honor of membership in DKG. The chapter membership committee should request members to submit a name via a prospect card at one or two meetings. They should then compile a list to present to the membership for a vote. These active educators and retirees do not have to be contacted before recommendation. (Key to making up this list is to choose those women whom you really want in your chapter—assume nothing would prevent them from saying yes. Don’t eliminate them because you “assume” they would say no. Let them decide for themselves!) 

Step 2: Each should be informed in a special, personal letter that she has been chosen for membership in our prestigious society. Key elements of the letter are that the prospect was recommended by a member (named) based on her stellar qualities as an educator and approved by the chapter. Brief information on DKG and the chapter is included, as well as the invitation to an orientation meeting. The letter emphasizes the honor of membership and asks them to RSVP for the meeting.

Some chapters see the orientation as a very important tool in bringing in members and helping them to make an informed decision. The orientation also provides the prospective member with valuable information and benefits of becoming a member of DKG. 

Step 3: Some may decline; some may call with questions; and some may agree to come immediately. For each of those who plan to attend, invite an equal number of current members to serve as “buddies” at the orientation. 

Step 4: At the orientation, provide social time for current and prospective members and then present the Pride in the Big Picture slide show (available for download at Current members can meet with the prospects in small groups to answer any questions. At the conclusion of the meeting (which lasts only one hour), ask them to decide to accept or decline the invitation to become members. (Remember, no one has approached these women about joining prior to the letter.) 

Step 5: The current member “buddy” can use the Chapter Member Application to learn about the prospective member. The form for membership (formerly Form 11) is now the Chapter Member Information Form and is part of the Membership Plan. It is found in "Forms” under "Membership". It can also serve as a commitment from the prospective member. 

Step 6: Invite the prospective members to the induction ceremony with the Induction Letter if you choose to do it this way.

Remember that a woman becomes a member when she pays her dues. Induction ceremonies do not make them members. Some chapters choose not to have an induction ceremony. Follow your chapter’s governing documents as to what they say about member induction.

In summary, seek out educators from all age groups with a wide variety of leadership qualities and educational backgrounds. Reach out to them, invite them, and welcome them to DKG!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Uniting Women Educators of the World – Across Chapters, Across Continents

Fulfilling purpose #1 of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International – to unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship – has never been easier due to the availability of connections such as Zoom, Google Hangout, and other virtual platforms.

Your International Educational Excellence Committee would like to challenge chapters to connect with chapters in other state organizations, especially in countries other than their own.

How would a chapter go about setting this up? The first place to look is within your own chapter. Many members have formed connections with members they have met at state organization or international events. Consider having one of those members to reach out to and schedule a cross-chapter meeting. If that doesn’t work, you can contact your state organization’s EEC chair for assistance. She has many connections and can help you. An additional place to seek assistance would be one of the International EEC members. With their vast experience, these members would be a wonderful resource for making connections with other chapters. You can also use DKG social media to search for a chapter. Your first step is to reach out.

Considerations for a virtual meeting –

  • Time zone. If you are meeting with a chapter across the country or across continents, this is an important consideration. Meetings across continents would most likely need to take place on a Saturday due to the teaching commitments of members during the week.
  • Translations. Even though English is the predominant language of most DKG members, we have other members who speak another language. It’s vital to determine a translator in advance. Don’t let language be a barrier. Let language enhance your members’ experience through embracing the differences.
  • Time frame. This will depend on your purpose and if you wish to continue with further meetings at a later date.
  • Introductions – At the initial meeting, introductions of members certainly take center stage. We are all curious as to the educational background of each member. We enrich our knowledge of educational possibilities by hearing what is happening around the globe.
  • Purpose – Determine the reason(s) for connecting with another chapter. Know in advance what you want to accomplish or cover during your meeting. Just as you do for your regular chapter meetings, create an agenda for the chapters to follow.
  • Short and simple at first – Begin the process of getting to know each other at your first meeting. Subsequent meetings can address your additional purposes for connecting.

The possibilities are endless for making connections. You can travel to each of the 17 member countries or just concentrate on your closer neighbors. The choice is yours.

** Keep reading to see how a cross-chapter meeting came to fruition recently.**

Kappa chapter in Sheridan, Wyoming and Alpha and Beta chapters in Guatemala City, Guatemala, participated in a connection this fall. Everyone who participated agreed it was a great experience to connect with our sisters from afar.

The following outline was developed to address what we wanted to accomplish. It was evident once we began that we needed more than one exchange to accomplish our purpose. We will be meeting again this spring to deepen our connection.

Purpose – cultural exchange to learn about each other, geographic location and schools

1. Introductions – Each member will state their name and their current or former teaching (for retired) assignment. This will allow us to hear the range of teaching experience and background within the groups.

2. Geographic location – We are very different in our locations. Each group will tell some of the highlights of our location to ‘paint a picture’ of where we are. Each chapter will assign a member before the meeting who will give this information. Some suggestions are below:

  • Size
  • Terrain; elevation
  • Industry
  • Attractions
  • What makes us unique

3. School information – We are all curious as to what school looks like in comparing Guatemala with Wyoming. Some suggestions are below:

  • Length of school year
  • Curriculum highlights
  • Professional development
  • Current attendance (remote or in-person)
  • Private or public offerings
  • University
  • Why teachers want to work here

Note – Be patient with translations. It takes longer than you think, but it’s so worth the time.

The picture shows Kappa chapter in Sheridan, Wyoming and the virtual participants from Alpha and Beta chapters in Guatemala City, Guatemala. 

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