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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Bang #31 DKG Bulletin-International Journal for Professional Educators

Have you considered publishing an article in the Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin-International Journal for Professional Educators? The DKG Bulletin is an official publication of the Society which promotes professional and personal growth among members by showcasing articles written by them. The DKG Bulletin has detailed explanations of Submission Categories. These categories include:

  1. Research: Action/Classroom; Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods
  2. Position Paper/Viewpoint
  3. Review of Literature
  4. Program Description
  5. Book or Technology Review

You can also submit a Letter to the Editor or Poetry/Creative Work.

The submission process is the same as was discussed in Blog #30 about the Collegial Exchange.

For the DKG Bulletin there are clear guidelines for submission. You can locate those guidelines by going to the home page at, click on Publications in the black banner, and then click Bulletin-Journal. At the site you will find the specific criteria that a bulletin submission has to meet. There you will also find a link to “Bulletin Journal and Magazine Submission Definitions and Guidelines” that will help you to prepare your manuscript. Two other links “Additional Information on Categories for Submission” and “Bulletin Rubrics” will provide you additional assistance in considering and preparing different types of submissions.

Once you have completed an electronic cover sheet you can submit your manuscript to or from the Home page click in the black banner on Apply/Submit and it will provide you with the links. Hopefully DKG members will have the opportunity to read your scholarly writings in a future edition of the Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Arts: An Integral Part of EEC!


Art and music are often considered to be universal languages. Artists share their anger, peace, joy, and sorrow. Art allows us to see the world through the eyes of the artist, and allows others to see the world through our eyes when we create. For many people, creative work is relaxing and helps one to cope with the pressures in their lives. Likewise, music can raise our mood, reduce our stress, get us excited, or calm us down. Some think one of music’s major functions is its ability to create social connectedness.

Why not resolve to incorporate the arts into your chapter meetings! Here are a few suggestions:

  • Plan a chapter outing to a local museum or musical/theater production.
  • Ask a member or a small group to share a musical blessing through song.
  • Have a member play a number or two with the instrument of their choice.
  • Contact a music teacher at a local school to see if a choral group could perform at a meeting.
  • Liven things up with a sing-along on a couple of songs at one of your chapter meetings.
    Many talented musicians can re-write the words to a familiar tune to bring in the DKG connection.
  • Let members display their vocal talent by performing a song or two.
  • If your group sings the DKG song, spice it up by adding musical accompaniment. My chapter has a member play the accordion as we sing! And we traditionally sing Christmas carols with the accompanying accordion!
  • Do a craft project as a service project. One chapter participated in their community’s Valentines for Veterans project. The handmade cards were delivered to area veteran hospitals and some were even mailed to those who were currently serving overseas.
  • Arrange for a member or members to display their artwork at chapter meetings. This can include paintings, sculpture, jewelry, needlework, photography, and much more!
    If your chapter has several talented artists, you might plan to have a few members exhibit their work at each meeting. Perhaps you’d like to focus on a particular medium each time.
  • Contact a local art teacher re: displaying student work.
  • Investigate a chapter outing to an art studio. Many studios now host art parties where they provide the art supplies and step-by-step instructions while you try your artistic talents and celebrate being with friends.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

DKGIEF: A Dozen Things To Know About ISF

1. The International Speakers Fund (ISF) connects members across borders.

2. ISF recipients/speakers share their passion for educational topics.

3. The ISF Committee creates a list of applicants to be an ISF speaker.

4. The ISF Committee shares that list with state organization presidents who may request an ISF speaker from the list.

5. ISF speakers may present virtually or face to face.

6. Hosting a virtual/face to face ISF speaker helps break down misconceptions among cultures and environments.

7. Being an ISF speaker helps break down misconceptions among cultures and environments.

8. ISF Fund is administered by the DKG International Educators Foundation (DKGIEF).

9. YOU can apply to be an ISF speaker.

10. YOU can apply to host an ISF speaker.

11. ISF is supported by donations to the DKGIEF to cover travel expenses to face-to-face state organization events.

12. EVERYBODY can contribute to the ISF Fund and foster international understanding. 


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Bang #30 DKG Bulletin: Collegial Exchange


The Collegial Exchange is looking forward to publishing your next article.  The Collegial Exchange is a print publication which focuses on articles based on practice and experience as it relates to education and DKG Society International as well as women and children.  The Collegial Exchange also includes personal reflections and creative works. It is printed and distributed twice each calendar year.   

Articles are submitted electronically, and authors must adhere to the guidelines to have their work reviewed for print.  The DKG website has a tab on the black banner across the top which gives details about all the Society’s publications.  There are two steps which must be followed.  First, an author should submit an interactive cover sheet form which is found at the Apply/Submit tab on the DKG website.  The second step involves the actual submission of the manuscript in Microsoft Word format.  No PDF files will be accepted.

If you have been considering writing an article and would like to have it published in the Collegial Exchange, please visit and sign into your member account.  Visit the Publications tab and discover all the guidelines for submission of your article.   



Monday, March 7, 2022

Too Busy for Leadership!

How many times have we heard a member say, I’m too busy, I don’t have time?

Have those been thoughts inside your head? Then ask yourself this question, why were you selected for DKG membership? Why not your colleague? The answer is simple, someone saw leadership potential in you. And, you said yes! We want to help you find the time to be that leader.

We all know that life can get in the way of the things we want to do. So, how do some people manage to get things done while others can’t find the time? Here are a few ideas that may help you find the time, even when you feel too busy.

Trade favors – when my kids were young a neighbor and I would trade days for babysitting each other’s children giving each of us a day where we could do whatever we needed/wanted to do, even if it was just to be able to take a nap!

Office time – set aside a specific day and time when you will work on DKG tasks and stick to it. This has helped me so many times because it lets members know when I will be working on DKG items and gives them a suitable time to contact me.

Organize – how many years have you gotten out the holiday decorations and thought, if only I had them organized last year? I have that thought every year and then when I go to put them away, for a moment I think I will organize them, but I don’t. I just put them away quickly which means I’m back to square one next year. Organization only takes extra time at the beginning. Once you are organized, so much time is saved. Try different organizational tools to see what works best for you.

Build your confidence – speak kindly to yourself and about yourself. I have students write positive messages about themselves and stick them on their mirror so each day they see them and say them. Positive messages to yourself might include; I am worthy, I can do great things, and I will continue to be amazing. Building confidence helps you stay motivated to get things done.

Understand your real limits – in mathematics real limits are values above and below a specific value. To know your real limits would be to have an expectation as to the amount of time a particular task might take and then plus and minus another amount of time. This is what you should put aside to complete the task. This could give you time to borrow if you find you didn’t need as much as you thought. Oftentimes we underestimate the amount of time something will take so we are always behind. By having real limits, you would add in that buffer of additional time to the task at hand.

Shift your mindset – Leadership is a learning process. You don’t have to know or do everything. You will continue to learn and grow on the job. Don’t do it all. Good leaders share tasks to develop leaders.

Yield to your weaknesses and support your strengths – it’s actually a strength to know your weaknesses. Find someone whose strength is your weakness and work together. Win-win!

Try some of these suggestions and then respond to this blog and let us know how it goes. Are there other ideas that you have? Please share.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Creating a Good Mentoring Relationship

It is important for members to embrace the opportunity to serve as a mentor to others. By doing so, it helps DKG continue to maintain a strong, sustainable Society.

Rest assured, a mentor does not need to have all the answers. You must remember that a mentor only needs to be a supportive person who can build a relationship with a mentee by offering her guidance, support and encouragement as the mentee learns more about the Society and/or her new DKG leadership role. Although being a mentor does take some time, planning and commitment, it doesn’t have to be all business and no fun!

So, you accepted the responsibility to mentor a new inductee or a member serving in a new DKG leadership position. Your willingness shows the mentee that she matters… NOW WHAT?

The first thing you want to consider doing is to get to know one another both personally and professionally. Start creating a trusting relationship by building a good rapport with one another.

Plan a time to meet, either in-person or via ZOOM. Perhaps the first time you get together, maybe over coffee, just have a good conversation - share about family, interests and experiences, motivations and/or goals. Getting to know one another will help you as a mentor decide what kind of information will be helpful to your mentee.

It’s important that the mentee voice what she wants to learn from you. She may have many questions to ask. The best thing to do is to decide on one specific topic and/or goal to work on each time you meet to narrow the focus. It will help both of you to stay on point.

During this age of COVID, many of our DKG educators have been overwhelmed with the increasing list of duties and challenges. They often become frustrated because it’s hard to devote the attention or energy to their students. Serving as a positive mentor may just be the ticket for helping to make a difference to those members who seek a listening ear.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Fundraising Opportunity, Anyone?


The excitement is building for the 2022 International Convention in New Orleans, July 12-16. There will be so much to see and do, including the Marketplace with all of its treasures. Have you considered the possibility of taking advantage of the Marketplace as a way to raise non-dues revenue for your state organization or chapter? Having a vendor table to sell items can be a great way to fund a project or supplement your budget. You may even know of a company or other organization that would be interested in being a vendor. The Marketplace will be open July 14 and 15. Details can be found at > Events > 2022 Convention > Vendor/Exhibitor Application. The deadline is April 15, so make your plans and apply!

Follow this link:

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Donations to the World Fellowship Fund

As we move into the warmer weather of spring, it's time to think about donating to the World Fellowship Fund. Contributions and bequests determine how many DKGIEF awards are possible each year to support studies for those selected for fellowships. For 2021-2022, the World Fellowship Committee awarded 18 scholarships and 6 extensions to women literally from around the world. Because of your generosity, these women are currently studying in American and Canadian universities. Now more than ever, the funds donated to World Fellowship are supporting women and their dreams of creating a better, healthier, happier, and more united world for all. Please consider donating to DKGIEF World Fellowship Fund!

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