Would you like to travel to other countries? Do you like to share ideas, research, or experiences with other educators? The DKGIEF International Speakers Fund (ISF) provides speakers for state organization conventions, conferences, or meetings. Take advantage of this leadership opportunity by applying to be a DKG International Speaker.
The time to apply is here! The ISF Speaker application is available from July 1 to September 15 under MyDKG on the Society website. (You must be logged in.) Then select Apply/Submit, click on the ISF Speaker application link, and you will be directed to the ISF Google Form.
Here are some important tips to remember when completing the ISF application:
· Inform your chapter and state organization presidents of your plan to apply to be an ISF speaker.
· Ask your state organization president to write a recommendation for your application.
· Include the name of a professional reference who has heard you speak.
· Indicate if you will present in person, virtually, or both.
· Include dates you are unavailable to present.
· Submit your application online via the ISF Google Form on or before the September 15 deadline.
o Note: The application will ask you to submit a brief recording of you doing a presentation.
o Hint: You can use programs such as Zoom or Screencastify to create your recording.
The DKGIEF International Speakers Fund, one of nine funds administered by the Foundation, is supported by member donations. Your contributions to the International Speakers Fund cover the speakers' international transportation expenses to face-to-face state organization events. Contributions can be made to the ISF Fund on the International Speakers Fund page, or go to the DKGIEF Donate page for various donation options.
Making connections with educators worldwide is one of the benefits of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. Take the plunge and apply to be a DKG International Speaker where you will experience cultural diversity and serve as a Society ambassador.
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