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Friday, October 13, 2017

Tell Them and Show Them

In the early days of DKG, the Founders and I traveled by train to meet with women educators to recruit them to membership and to establish new chapters. Look at your state organization and chapter history to learn which of us went directly to potential members, talked to them face-to-face, gave them hands-on attention for the sole purpose of providing a Society that would give women educators unity and support. We wrote many letters, of course, but we knew that personal communication was more effective. 

            The Society today is searching for ways to recruit and retain members. You are handing out brochures and sending digital messages with some success, I suppose. The best way to attract members is to actually talk to them. Tell potential members about our Purposes and what they mean to you. Tell them about what you learn in your meetings or read in DKG publications that has helped you be a better educator. Talk to them about how the combined energy of the Society changes lives for women by providing scholarships to members and to non-member women from non-member countries, emergency funds, money for professional development and educational projects—and point out to them that their dues make it possible. Tell them too that a single person cannot do as much as all of us can do. Let potential members know the impact of the Society on the world. 
            You should also tell them that membership is not only about what they make possible for others and that membership brings benefits such as eligibility for a scholarship, funds in an emergency, and opportunities for professional growth, professional conferences, leadership and leadership training, and involvement in educational arenas beyond their schools. 

Tell them about your chapter and why it is important to you. Then take them with you to state and international meetings. Let those potential members know that they have much to contribute AND much to receive. Tell them and show them. And your numbers will grow.  

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. With all our easy ways to communicate we forget the most effective way is face to face. We are real people who believe in Delta Kappa Gamma and our faces show it. Talking face to face shouldn't be the last way to share Delta Kappa Gamma's purposes and mission; it should be the first way.


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