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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Everyone Mentors by the Way We Interact with New Members


Imagine a new member walking alone into a room for her first DKG chapter meeting.

First impressions will determine how that new member feels. How quickly you show hospitality when she arrives at the meeting shows her the focus of the group.  Are you so involved with catching up with old friends that you do not even notice her? Do you stop to introduce yourself, encourage the new member to come sit with your group, and involve her in the conversation? Little acts of kindness can put her at ease and make her feel a part of the group. This is one small way to mentor.

All members can be mentors through actions and deeds. This is why it is important that everyone is willing to invest time and energy in the new member and take a strong interest in the success of the chapter/Society. As the new member shares her interests and passions through conversation, the chapter president can begin to involve her in committee work and chapter projects to help her have a sense of belonging and purpose in the chapter. Recognizing the leadership potential of new members gets them involved and keeps them active plus gives them value in the Society.

Mentors can also assist by sharing information about the chapter, state organization, and international levels. The Society encompasses a wide range, and even though orientation is provided for new members, it takes time to learn about DKG. In this role it is important that mentors determine the best way to communicate--text, email, or phone call--so members can build a relationship and a mentor can remind the new member of the next meeting or project coming up. Learn about their educational role, family, pets, and interests to become friends.  Listening to what they care about builds trust. Sharing in new members’ lives allows members to provide professional support and encouragement, and thus be a good mentor.

Determine your DKG legacy by mentoring leaders where everyone is accepted for their strengths, their unique individuality, and their culture by modeling acceptance. How will you impact the lives of the members in your chapter?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Dreams Can Come True

Helping make dreams of an education come true is the mission of the K.I.N.D. (Kids in Need of Desks) Fund, a partnership between MSNBC’s host Lawrence O’Donnell and UNICEF. Students in Africa often do not have desks to work at or most importantly the money needed for tuition. Joyce, a 15-year-old Malawian straight-A student, faced this dilemma. A scholarship from the K.I.N.D. Fund allowed Joyce to pursue her educational dreams. Watch the video link provided from UNICEF – The K.I.N.D. Fund Helps Girls in Malawi Stay in School – to see Joyce’s success and hear her words of hope and inspiration.

You can gain additional information and links to other stories of student assistance on this video link. The K.I.N.D. Fund and UNICEF offer opportunities for DKG members to support Schools for Africa in a lasting and life-changing manner to children in need.

The K.I.N.D Fund helps Girls in Malawi Stay in School

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Spotlight Special


There’s something special about Delta Kappa Gamma members.  Maybe it’s their educational background or professional development opportunities they provide for others. It could be that the community is a better place because they are involved in ways to enrich the lives of those around them. Do you know a DKG member that you would like to place in the spotlight so all members could catch a glimpse of them? The 2020-2022 International Membership Committee developed guidelines to help you.

DKG International Membership Spotlight Guidelines (2021)
2020-2022 DKG International Membership Committee

1.  An application form will be provided on the website.

2. The information provided on the application will be used to determine the spotlight members as well as provide information for the spotlight article which will be written by the DKG International Membership Committee (IMC).

3. A headshot photo of the nominee will be sent separately at the time of the application and will not be provided to the committee.  The IMC will not see this photo during the selection process.

4. A rubric will be used to score the nominees.

5. No more than three nominees will be selected at one time to allow for additional nominees to be submitted.

6. All nominees will be removed when a new biennium begins.

7. Prior to the end of the biennium, a member of the DKG IMC will notify nominee sponsors by July 1 to invite them to resubmit the member application.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Bang #5 Emergency Fund


As a valuable member of DKG you are eligible for a $500 USD award from the Emergency Fund. If a DKG member experiences a major loss from floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, or other natural disasters, their chapter and state organization president may recommend they receive a $500 USD award from the DKG Emergency Fund.

The process is user friendly. The chapter president informs the state organization president of member(s) impacted by a natural disaster. Then the state organization president electronically submits Form 84 to the Executive Director with the name of the member, member’s chapter, current mailing address, date of the event, the exact natural disaster, and loss sustained. The form can be found at the website under ‘Forms-General’. Occasionally, additional information may be needed. The Executive Director approves the request and sends a check from Society Headquarters to the member(s).

The DKG Emergency Fund has been responding to disasters since 1948. Following a 1948 flood that destroyed Vanport, Oregon; the DKG News asked for monetary donations to help affected members living in Vanport. More than $3,000 USD was sent to headquarters to assist, and thus the Emergency Fund began.

Between July 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020, seventy-nine (79) members impacted by natural disasters received funds totaling $39,500 USD. Members who have received assistance from the fund report how thankful they are for the help in a time of need, and appreciate how quickly it was received. Many are surprised, all are grateful.

The Emergency Fund is sustained totally from donations. A collection is held at international conferences. In addition, individuals, chapters, and state or province organizations may donate funds. Donations can be made to the Emergency Fund with a debit or credit card on the website under ‘Donate to DKGIEF’ or by sending a check made out to DKG Emergency Fund along with Form 43 from the site.

As they say, “members helping members”.


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