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Monday, April 11, 2022

Mentoring Makes a Difference

Although many members are great at recruiting new members to the Society, they often feel recruitment is all that is needed. In reality, that is just the beginning of active membership and leadership. Each new member needs a mentor or mentors to help them through their DKG journey. This should begin as soon as they are inducted into the chapter.

Mentoring can be described as an act or process of helping and guiding another person. There is no special training one should have to become a mentor but certain traits that most DKG members already have are necessary. There is no age requirement to be a mentor; often older members learn a great deal from younger ones. Consider these mentoring traits:

  • Be a good listener (listen to what is being said and how it is being said)
  • Ask good questions and be willing to give thoughtful answers
  • Be empathetic and understanding
  • Always be honest
  • Be positive about what is happening
  • Be personable and encouraging

While the above traits are great to have, no one member has them all. The act of sitting with different members each time you attend a meeting, picking up a member for a meeting, or asking them to help you with a project are all forms of mentoring. Most members also have more than one mentor during different stages of their membership. As they begin to step into leadership roles, mentors can pave the way for the new leader with advice, suggestions, and just being a sympathetic ear.

Mentoring can be very rewarding. Watching someone grow because of your influence is highly fulfilling. So consider taking that step and mentoring that new member who just joined your chapter or that new chapter leader. You will be glad you did.


  1. I agree with the idea that mentoring gives you a rewarding sensation. Besides you contribute to your chapter or state organization, you develop longlife relationships, you learn from your mentorees and you can find a new vision of the organization and about the world.

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