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Thursday, May 5, 2022

DKGIEF: World Fellowship

Contributions to World Fellowship, one of the nine funds managed by DKGIEF, change lives. 

A World Fellowship recipient from Ukraine said that DKG support for women gives her a sense of empowerment because DKG members have encouraged her with their words and financial support. “I've been very touched by this endless support, and I honestly feel like they are helping me to mentally survive these dark times away from home.”

A World Fellowship recipient from Kazakhstan said, “I hope to return to my country and apply my knowledge to make the lives of kids with special needs better. I am grateful to DKG for this life-changing opportunity.”

The World Fellowship Fund, established in 1960, has provided awards totaling $3,739,250  for 1,029 women from 122 countries to pursue graduate studies in Canada and the United States. Twenty-five women in 23 countries received awards in 2021-2022 totaling $83,500.

The amounts and numbers of World Fellowship awards depend on contributions to the fund. Your donation helps other women become future leaders around the world. Your gift to the World Fellowship Fund through DKGIEF supports the dreams of countless women and impacts countless others.


  1. We in NYSO DKG have experienced the impact that our four World Fellowship recipients have had on us as well! One grant recipient from Columbia with whom we have been texting with said in a video, “ DKG has given air to my soul and to my life…giving me a chance to find my future path.” Another recipient from R.N. Macedonia recently presented at our NYSO DKG Conference in April. As an avid advocate and teacher searching for resources for a fully inclusive classroom in her country, she was most excited to praise her professors and fellow classmates at Syracuse University for their support in creating a website of resources for her to bring back to Macedonia. She has experienced so much more with the opportunity of her grant and extension this year that she added, “I most likely would have remained discouraged as others in my attempts if it had not been for this DKG grant”. My local Alpha Alpha Chapter hosted another very appreciative recipient from Vietnam who after completing two years at the U of R to receive her Masters in Linguistics this weekend has been accepted into a Ph.D program at Rutgers. Our NYSO World Fellowship Committee cannot say enough about reaching out to those recipients in your state; and furthermore, after the initial email obtain a mobile # and school email! We successfully ZOOMed with two of our students with one being our fourth recipient from Chile who will be receiving her Masters of Law and leading the way as our other recipients in their chosen fields to promote excellence in education and communication throughout the world!
    Sue Genthner, Chair of the NYSO DKG World Fellowship Committee

  2. Our chapter's WF committee wishes to contact the current WF recipients to congratulate and encourage them. How do we obtain n a list? Thank you. Delta Kappa

    1. Open (sign in) > DKGIEF > under "World Fellowship Fund" > Learn More > World Fellowship Recipients > WF Recipients List


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