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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Our Constitution - Your Voice in the Society Part 1

Why is a change in the DKG Constitution so challenging and yet sometimes so complex? In this three-part series members will gain the knowledge and process for submitting a proposal for change in the DKG Constitution. The Constitution gives members of DKG a “Voice”. Our society currently has 17 countries and 50,000+ women. DKG is a melting pot of varying backgrounds, multiple languages, subjects, education and degree types. Yet, we are governed by one constitution.

Imagine bringing one member from every country of our society to your dinner table. What would you serve? How would you address the varying taste, preferences, likes, and dislikes? How would you accommodate your dinner guest in a positive way?  The goal is to have an experience so that your guest leaves satisfied. A great deal of planning is involved when planning a dinner party. What to serve? What is the cost? What about the time difference of members? Numerous components are utilized to create and develop for a successful event. Yet, not impossible! These are often questions asked when developing a proposal. What will we change? Why make the change/addition? What is the outcome of the proposal? How will the impact of the results, if passed, be felt within our society (Financial, geographic, etc.)?

Submitting a proposal requires (1) foundation of proposal (2) communication among proposer(s), (3) research, and commitment from start and finish. All members have the ability to request changes within our Constitution for the betterment of our Society. As you read throughout this blog series, you will have the foundation for creating a proposal.

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