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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Your Participation is Relevant and Vital to a Sustainable Society

Relevance, Vitality, and Sustainability has been the theme for Dr. Debbie LeBlanc’s biennium.  Workshops at International Convention are all geared towards this theme.  Are you interested in workshops on relevance? Then check out some of these: Telling Our Story – How to Get the Word Out, National Teachers Hall of Fame & National Memorial to Fallen Educators: What You Should Know, or Teaching for Equity and Justice Across Content Areas.  Are you wanting to learn more about vitality?  Here are a few offerings: Journal Writing for Healing, Connection and Rejuvenation; Inspiring Our Personal, Chapter and DKG Hearts To Sing, or Resilience: Adapting for Personal Growth and Meaningful Education.  And let’s not forget sustainability. You might want to attend Our Story: Growing DKG One Chapter at a Time, How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Education, or Inclusive Education: Is Everyone In?

Remember that ultimately, it’s your participation in International Convention that makes our organization relevant, creates vitality and enthusiasm, that will result in the growth of Delta Kappa Gamma and serving educators in years to come.

Register now!

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