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Monday, July 26, 2021

Building Leaders in DKG

Willing, capable leadership is necessary on all levels of the Society: chapter, state organization, and international. It’s important to build leadership from the ground up and to support the development of future leaders. Here are some ideas for doing that.

  • Identify future leaders early.
  • Personally reach out to chapter members to encourage them to step out of their comfort zones. Don’t give up on members too easily. Support and mentor!
  • Challenge members to go beyond the chapter level and to attend conventions and/or conferences on the state organization and international level.
  • Encourage chapter members to apply for scholarships and grants, for Leadership Management Seminars (on the state organization and international level), for state committees, for state officer positions, etc. Spotlight those who are successful in those endeavors.
  • Forward articles in newsletters from the state organization and international to chapter members to keep them aware of opportunities for personal and professional growth in DKG.
  • Provide opportunities for leadership development. Involve all chapter members, even if it seems minor (hostess, inspiration, program presenter, project chair, etc.)
  • Stress the importance of members’ responsibility to the chapter. (In other words: We need you!)
  • Encourage chapter officers to be very visible in their leadership roles.
  • Remember that your passion is contagious so inspire others with your passion.

1 comment:

  1. Any small task in DKG is the first step in leadership. Show you have confidence in them to take the next step. One does not learn to ride a bike in one day. Leadership skills take practice. Have you given each member a small task?


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